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Campus Resources

Academic Advising

Academic Advising is located next to the Health Center. Office hours are from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Call (808) 675-3890 to make an appointment.

Alumni & Career Services

Alumni & Career Services offers career planning services. Located in the Aloha Center, the Alumni & Career Services Studio office hours are from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Call (808) 675-3533 to make an appointment.

Center for Academic Success

The Center for Academic Success provides learning strategies for academic success. Located in the Joseph F. Smith Library, Room 134, you can contact them by email.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services offers individual, couples, and family counseling free of charge for full-time BYUH students and their dependents. Office hours are from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Call (808) 675-3518 or visit McKay 181 to make an appointment.

Crisis Support

In need of crisis support? Visit Counseling Services' web page for more information.

Dean of Students

The main priority of the Dean of Students is to facilitate student development and achievement. To achieve this goal the dean chairs various committees whose membership include administration, faculty, and students. Though these committees and their discussions, provides a conduit for implementing and uniformity in policy and procedures that will benefit all students populations.

Department of Public Safety

If you are in trouble, you can contact the Department of Public Safety at (808) 675-3911. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are located in the McKay General Classroom Building.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid & Scholarship can help make a degree financially possible for every qualified BYU–Hawaii student. Federal financial aid is just one part of a payment strategy that should include money saved by the family and student for attending school.

Food Services

Club Dining is happy to meet the needs of students with allergies or other dietary needs. Club Dining has an allergen and gluten-free zone, so you will feel comfortable and safe choosing the food you need. Even if you are allergic to nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy, wheat, or soy, there are food options for you to enjoy! Please note that vegetarian and gluten-free options are served at every meal.

Health Center

The Brigham Young University–Hawaii Health Center is centrally located and provides medical care to all students, their dependents, and DMBA managed care participants who have identified the university doctor as their primary care provider. Staffing includes a board-certified family practice physician, a physician assistant, registered nurses, medical assistants, and a full front office staff. Most health conditions can be treated at the Health Center, and specialty care is referred out to a network of specialists.


The Joseph F. Smith Library provides a variety of resources and learning tools to enhance your learning experience. Library hours vary, go to the Joseph F. Smith Library page for more information.

Student Housing

Student Housing offers several living options to assist students with their housing needs.

Title IX Office

BYU–Hawaii Title IX Office is dedicated to creating a campus community that is safe and respectful. BYU–Hawaii constantly strives to ensure a peaceable environment for learning, working, and living that promotes equal opportunity and non-discrimination for all. Further, BYU–Hawaii is committed to protecting students, faculty, staff, and visitors from any form of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, misconduct, or violence.

Tutoring Labs

BYU–Hawaii has several labs and service centers that can assist students in various disciplines. These include:

See computer lab locations and lab schedules.